First google “leader post: snc-lavalin paid more than $118 million to a shell company: witness feith” and “canada slips on least-corrupt ranking mcclelland” and “imf says the outlook for the global economy remains sluggish as it cuts growth forecasts amaro” and “is the fed about to trigger the $3 trillion u.s. housing market crash chauhan”, consider all of the above then remember that it was the US House mortgage scam that caused the google “2007-2008 worldwide financial crises”, well good readers, in 07- 08 it was a US mortgage crises, now, if the experts are right, it will be US collapse by Trumps cut to US interest rate; Canada collapsing next due to SNC-Lavalin corruption, note below:

Google “’wretched hive of scum and villainy’ trump hotel trend after bonkers interview mazza”; readers are asked to note those words, coined by a Russian thug named Parnas, speaking of the US Republican elite hanging around Trump’s Hotel, ranks right up there with the best of Shakespeare, and Parnas words “wretched hive of scum and villainy” could be used to depict the Devine/Lane/Boyd/Wall/Koch/Moe hanging around Saskatchewan’s Legislative Building, google “saskatchewan premier assigned rcmp security detail c.p.” and “mandryk: moe police detail another sign of a changing world mandryk”, now note below: 

Google “trump lamented companies could not pay bribes to get overseas business, vowed to change law jacqueline alemany”, and
“muchkin plans to end foreign corrupt practices act us securities and exchange commission” and “white house considers effort to overturn law banning overseas bribes wingrave”, now review my (Lee)s post’s NAFTA BRIBERY BILL and W’S DADDY and note Mulroney used US Foreign corrupt practices act to make a fortune in offshore bribe’s while Devine’s Sask Party ruling elite follow in Mulroney footsteps to the point our Premier now needs RCMP protection again google “mandryk: moe police detail another sign of a changing world mandryk”, now note below:

The Wall/Moe elite used their control of Queens/Appeal Judges judgments to destroy me (Lee); to confirm that fact review post DEJA VU EDENWOLD note the Western Trial Judge ruled the SDOH Civil Engineers were negligent, had made engineering error and were in breach of contract but ruled the Engineer’s were “not responsible because they were only human”, this is legal nonsense BUT the SDOH Civil Engineers hatred for me is so profound it has stood to this day, my Alexa 55 Web site, https://ruralzoning.wordpress.com.webstatsdomain.org note below:

Google “appeal court to rule on government intervention in insurance battle macpherson”, my (Lee)s Western Earth Moving horror is not the only Court case Devine/Lane/Wall/Moe interfered in, google “leader post: mandryk: conservatives may need a bit of the old ‘progressive’ mandryk” and “leader post: mandryk: leaning on like-thinkers to solve gov’t problems not an answer mandryk”. It may be Murray’s prodding rather than my Web site BUT Moe’s ruling elite does appear to be changing their attitude on Probe corruption, google “new trial ordered for tim probe on abuse of public office charges polischuk” and note below:

Google “probe corruption ruralzoning.com” review search results and ask; why did Moe recharge Probe? is my (Lee)s Alexa 55 Web site https://ruralzoning.wordpress.com.webstatsdomain.org gaining ground in fighting Moe corruption?, google “premier using social media to bypass criticism mandryk” but Moe is operating straight out of the Trump playbook; is my Website is working on Moe, now note Trudeau below:

Google “uia flight 752 investigation must look at why iran’s airspace wasn’t closed says head of ma17 probe mackinnon”, note that a Canadian operation, based in Montreal, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), was responsible for two recent commercial Airline disasters, the Malaysia flight over the Ukraine brought down by Russia and now the Ukraine Flight over Iran brought down by a Iranian army surface to air missile, with loss of 400 lives how can this be?, note below:

How could 400 innocent airline passengers have been slaughtered by this insane stupidity, how could ICAO brass, a Canadian operation, funded by the UN, be that insanely stupid?, they are more stupidly arrogant than Trump in the US and the Civil Engineers running SNC- Lavalin here in Canada; how can I (Lee) be the stupidest man in Canada as Reiter claims? google “reiter claims lee is stupidest man in canada” Moes Minister Responsible, the Hon Reiter, also claims google “reiter claims lee website is a stupid joke” BUT note more Moe below: 

Google “gth renting office space to company owned by a sask. cabinet ministers son at a loss leo”, Tell had a good reputation BUT taxpaying readers note that Tell, a former Regina City Police Sgt, is as corrupt as the rest of Moe’s ruling elite, google “leader post: mandryk: latest gth episode shows its time to rethink its purpose mandryk” and “leader post: op-ed: project shows need for greater transparency thomas” and “leader post: rm of sherwood councilor accused of conflict of interest over water line white-crummey”, note below:

Review post REITER-BARCLAY TWO STEP and note that I (Lee) raised this RM of Sherwood water line corruption years ago, I ask again, are Moe and Reiter sure I am the stupidest man in Canada?, review post VENAL AND VICIOUS RURAL OFFICIALS, and note that I offered, first the Calvert NDP Administration and then the Wall Sask Party Administration three very simple no taxpayer cost solutions but both political groups snickered and sneered at me and in effect told me to “ go screw a moose”, if I live to be a 100 I will never understand how Donna Strudwick could control both NDP Calvert and Sask Party Wall given my support by no less than the Hon John Crosbie, note below: 

Google “john crosbie dies at 88” review all search results; John Crosbie is a icon, a beacon of light in this vale of tears; review my (Lee)s post TURNING OVER ROCKS RURAL ZONING IN SASKATCHEWAN, and note that John Crosbie himself gave me a copy of the Judicial Council of Canada report “Masters In Their Own House”, post BLACKMAILED, BULLIED OR BRIBED?; scroll down to the PDF, then google “bob-oct-30-003” OR review post LADY LORI A BEACON, scroll down to document 3, the Leader Post article covering the fact the Provincial Elite told Crosbie to “screw a moose”, they were keeping control of the Queens and Appeal Bench Judges, and note below:

Again google “new trial ordered for tim probe on abuse of public office charges polischuk” now google “probe corruption ruralzoning.com” review search results and again ask; why did Moe recharge Probe? is my (Lee)s Web site gaining ground in fighting Moe corruption?, google “premier using social media to bypass criticism mandryk” Moe is using the Trump playbook, Trump has been impeached by the US House, so is my Website working on Moe?, note below:

Go to my (Lee)s Christmas post STILL IN GOOD COMPANY RURALZONING.COM and scroll to post end to “Leonard Borowski ‘I have something on Chief Judge Richards-borowskiasasktel.net’. Now review post NAFTA BRIBERY BILL, scroll to last paragraph, note my response to Leonard’s kind offer is the same as my response to T Jacks of Kindersley equally kind offer; NO to both offers; I already have enough guilt over the fact my refusal to bribe the SDOH Civil Engineers lead to the death of my wife Lorna and my son Jason and I do not want the slaughter of T Jacks or Leonard Borowski on my conscience as well, note below:

All taxpayers must make no mistake about it, the control of the Queens/Appeal Bench Judges rulings by Moe and his odious, arrogant, asshole, ruling elites could not be accomplished without the cooperation/ coordination/contrivance of Moe’s senior, odious, arrogant, asshole, elite; to wit; Sask Chief Judge Richards; again review the first paragraphs of STILL IN GOOD COMPANY RURALZONING.COM and note that even Tony Merchant, son of legendary Liberal, Sally Merchant, was taken out by Chief Judge Richards and one of his subordinate Judges, now note below:

Review post DON’T CRY FOR ME RURALZONING.COM, there can be no doubt whatsoever but that at some point, Moe, or one of his odious, arrogant, asshole, ruling elite, such as Chief Judge Richards, will issue the order for my (Lee)s slaughter, the odious assholes got away with the slaughter of the first nations kid dozing in his car, SARM SLAUGHTER, and there can be no doubt whatsoever but that they could just as easily slaughter me, choose trial by Judge alone and walk, note below:

If my (Lee)s Web site https://ruralzoning.wordpress.com is thought by Moe, and his Chief Judge (Richards) to be a problem, and they do not have the balls to order my slaughter, as they slaughtered the First Nations kid, they could try claiming my Web site is “scandalizing the court”, and note that in Canada its now under section 127, contempt of court, but the ancient charge of “scandalizing the court” is still in effect in England and the odious, arrogant, assholes could try charging me and find out if a jury thinks my Web site is in contempt of court, note below:

To be fair to Chief Judges, I (Lee) ask readers to review post TWO LADYS AND THE LEAVE BOOK, review my application to the Supreme Court of Canada for “leave to appeal” Richards, then Appeal Court judge, ruling that I had libeled Strudwick with my complaint to Calvert that she (Strudwick) demanded a bribe (flowers, chocolates and perfume) to approve the Argue $30M residential development, google “scc 31940”, note the Supreme Court refused to hear my appeal so technically I had lost to the Strudwick, BUT note below:

I (Lee) was advised then Chief Judge Klebuc ordered a hold placed on Richards appeal ruling granting Strudwick her libel award, Chief Judge Klebuc then retired to care for his ailing wife and Richards was granted the position of Chief Judge, note Richards paper trail, google
“ judge richards political history ruralzoning.com”, review all search results and note that as bad as Richards is, it could have been worse, Lane could have been the Sask Chief Judge, review FLOWERS, CHOCOLATES AND PERFUME; Regina Architect Joe Pettick (now deceased) warned me Lane had been shortlisted to replace Bayda, and Joe was certain that my Web site stopped Lane, now note below:

Go back to post STILL IN GOOD COMPANY RURALZONING.COM note that in the first few paragraphs I (Lee) tried to set out for the readers the horror of SNC-LAVALIN Civil Engineers walking on corruption charges,
BUT when that post went to the Web Master, four major media articles had not been published so I urge readers to now google “canada slips on least-corrupt ranking mcclelland” and “leader post: snc-lavalin paid more than $118 million to a shell company: witness feith” and “snc’s guilty plea resolves nothing coyne” and “globe and mail editorial “how a bad policy lead to a worse scandal” page 010, Saturday, December 21, 2019, for Editorial page opinion on the cost to taxpayers of SNC-LAVALIN corruption, now for more Moe corrupt horror below:

Google “compass magazine issue 50 volume 12 December 19, – January 8,2020 click on arrow to page 22 -29 HIGHWAY ROBBERY THE REGINA BYPASS LANDSCANDAL HEADLINES, excellent year end summary of Moe Regina bypass corruption, readers are asked to note that my (Lee)s book HATE AND HORROR is still on schedule to approach a publisher in early 2020, more below:

Now google “leader post: mandryk: local government scrutiny simply needs to be better mandryk” and “leader post: year in review: king ralph loses his realm as vote turns hard against liberals white crummey” and “leader post: mandryk: temperatures rise during mouselands’s christmas mandryk” and “sask. party fundraising mess should lead to limits on donations mandryk”, I (Lee) urge all Saskatchewan voters to study Murrays article, think long and hard about Moe administrations illegal fund raising efforts.

Now google “mandryk: a nasty campaign won’t make potential minority gov’t easier mandryk” and “braid: justin trudeau’s crocodile smile for the west braid” and “mandryk: liberal’s rebate screwup feeds wests carbon tax hostility mandryk’ and “bank of canada and the u.s. fed have very different worries: don pitts, pitts” and “imf state canada most bribery prone country in canada” review posts W’S DADDY and CROCODILES DO CRY RURALZONING.COM., and google “more canadians are filing for insolvency than we’ve seen since the financial crises. what’s going on? /the star rubin”; readers are asked to think long and hard about the economic future of Canada and then note below

Google “’ troubling to us all’: singh, sheer show support for trudeau following security threat cbc news” why Scheer’s concern for Trudeau, his (Scheer)s hero, Trump, makes regular threats google “ ‘no blame?’ abc news finds 36 cases invoking ‘trump’ in connection with violence, threats, alleged assaults levine”, and “from cnn: new york times: fake video of trump shooting media and critics played at his resort leblanc” and “ben shapiro threatens to ‘pick up a gun over prospective lgbtq law drayton” and note below:

I (Lee) ask readers to review all articles above, then note that our Saskatchewan leaders are no different; review MALIGNANT NARCISSIST and DON’T CRY FOR ME RURALZONING.COM and note the threats on my life starting with the threats by the SDOH Civil Engineers forty years ago, as established by the RCMP and then covered up by the same RCMP, the life of my lawyer was also threatened, the threats on my life continue to this day, as reported to me by a lovely woman crying for me in one of the Regina malls, now note below:

Google “trump lamented companies could not pay bribes to get overseas business, vowed to change law jacqueline alemany”, and “muchkin plans to end foreign corrupt practices act us securities and exchange commission”; now review post’s NAFTA BRIBERY BILL and W’S DADDY, then Google “ us house dems vote to impeach trump”, it then went over to the US Senate for trial. and note below:

Google https://www.telegraph.co.uk/ video world war as you have never seen it; extremely rare color footage of d-day invasion released by the Telegraph OR go a step more in the final saga of WW II and google https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2643328 / from the opening salvo of d-day to the horror of dachu to the fall of Berlin. Hollywood directors rare color footage or World War 2 is finally released james nye”. The World War II footage reminds me (Lee) of the US Dems attempt to overcome Trump corruption and note below:

My (Lee), acting alone, attempt to overcome Lane corruption, LANE EVIL THEN AND NOW, note the PDF MLA appeal that Lane confiscated as AG, a contravention of Section 139 of the Criminal Code of Canada, “Obstruction of Justice” is mickey mouse compared to the Dems attempted take down of Trump; I have lost to Lane despite the wonder of my Web site https://ruralzoning.wordpress.com.webstatsdomain.org and the US Dems may lose to Trump, note below:

Following is a very long section, included is all media reference I could find referring to why the US House Dems voted for Trumps impeachment, note below:

At least I (Lee) am still in good company, google “trump names whistle blower” and “trump threatens whistle blower’s life” and “nancy pelosi worried about whistle blower’s life” and “canada’s whistle blower law”, am I a “whistle blower”? should I have protection? how could I be protected given the corruption of the RCMP, they carry sidearms and have rifles in their cars, I would be in more danger from the RCMP than the SDOH Civil engineers or Moe’s SARM Farmer, TOP COP DAYDREAMS, and SARM SLAUGHTER RURALZONING.COM, and note below:

As documented in my Alexa 55 ranked Web site, valued at +/- $.6B CDN; https://ruralzoning.wordpress.com.webstatsdomain.org, which Web site has been ignored by all media and Devine/Lane/Boyd/Wall/Koch/ Moe for well over a decade which has prompted one of my confidants to predict that unlike Trump, Moe is so arrogant/confidant that he (Moe) will not “waste a bullet on me” despite the fact one of his SARM farmers sneaked up on a First Nations kid in the dark and used his revolver to shoot him (First Nations kid) in the head for trespass, SARM SLAUGHTER RURALZONING.COM, note below:

I (Lee) ask readers who agree with my confidant and/or do not agree with my comparing my potential “execution” to the First Nations kid who Moe’s SARM Farmer shot in the head may be interested with my comparing the facts of the threat on me to another death threat, think about my Web site https://ruralzoning.wordpress.com.webstatsdomain.org,
as a attempt at “whistle blowing” on Devine/Lane/Boyd/Wall/Koch/Moe corruption and compare threats on my life to Trumps threats on the life of the man, or woman, who blew the whistle on him and note below:

Google “james rickard bio” and https://youtu.beSUhGAKG-KI note Rickard’s prediction of the coming economic financial collapse and https://youtu.be/LgyzFJP4DsY his (Rickards) 6 minute rundown that Trump is a genius, the only fault I (Lee) see is his assumption everyone is as evilly corrupt as Trump. Now google “trump threatens to execute whistle blower as a spy” and “nancy pelosi worried about whistle blowers life” and “bribery in the open: russian asset nra willing to bankroll impeachment defense if trump opposes gun control haberman and karni” and “fox news’ tucker carlson turns on trump for asking ukraine to investigate his rival joe biden: ‘theres no way to spin this’ duncan”, If Fox news has turned on Trump he is finished, note below:

Review MALIGNANT NARCISSIST RURALZONING.COM, while my (Lee)s confidant may be right, ie: Moe may be so arrogant that he believes that he does not have to waste a bullet on me, BUT he, Moe, may be making a mistake in underestimating the danger to him from my Alexa 55 Website https://ruralzoning.wordpress.com.webstatsdomain.org, google
“there is no greater danger than to underestimate your opponent” and to note a perfect example we are watching history being made, the impeachment of Trump, the most power full man in the world, BUT also the most arrogant, devious, corrupt, asshole to come down the pike in Centuries, I believe Trump is worse than even Gary Lane, note below:

Trump corruption had reached a point that the US House of Representative’s ( house) have voted to formally begin a impeachment inquiry, google “’the greatest witch hunt in history’ democrats vote to affirm trump impeachment inquiry bloomberg news and reuters” and “trump has received a formal invitation to be impeached huder” and “impeachment rule process approved in house as another u.s. official testifies a.p.” and “ donald trumps approval rating holds steady amid impeachment proceeding’s pace fingerhut” and “pompeo and barr are all -in on trump corrupt scheme sargant”, and “one new poll number that suggests trump’s base isn’t all it’s cracked up to be blake”, note below:

Google “maddow connects the dots: trump may have done this exact same thing once before with ukraine brigham”. The US House has finally voted for impeachment BUT remember, even with the US House approving impeachment of Trump, remember that is like a indictment, the US Senate, controlled by the Republicans, will act as Judge and Jury to rule if Trump is guilty and all readers are asked to review the following many pages and paragraphs setting out what the Democrats had to accomplish to now have a formal impeachment inquiry, note below:

Google “ the five page transcript of whistle blower complaint cnn.com” and “should the house impeach trump just over ukraine? Or for more? david priess” and “trump pushed ukraine to investigate biden activities, call summary shows sullivan and zengerle” and “why pelosi made her move-and what happens next? zurcher” and “what trump impeachment might look like – and how dangerous it could be – macleans.ca westward” and “ impeaching a u.s. president: how the process works/huffpost reuters”, note more Trump horror below:

Google “trump impeachment public support grows as scandal widens-live news walters” and “fact check: president donald trump’s claims about whistle blower/nbc news now” and “secretary pompeo blocks state officials from impeachment depositions deyoung” and “attorney general barr personally asked foreign officials to aid inquiry into 2016 election barrett, harris and zapitoskey” and “pompeo participation in ukraine call seeking manufactured dirt on bidens mcbride/gurney” and “trump pushed australian prime minister to aid bill barr in discrediting mueller investigation mazzetti and benner” and note below:

Google “trump openly admits attempt to break law and unmask whistle blower karni and sullivan” and “trump defenders joe digenova and victoria toensing teamed up with guiliani to dig up dirt on biden baragona and bixby” and “diplomat caught up in ukraine scandal has his own conflict of interest volker/lukatsky” and “trump state department targets current, former officials who had e-mails in clinton private server to stifle or discredit critics jaffe/demirjian” and note below:

Google “trump told russian officials he was not worried about interference because the u.s. did the same thing in other countries dowsey, nakus and huma” and “white house restricted access to trump’s calls with putin, mbs, brown/sciulto/liptak” and “bribery in the open: russian asset nra willing to bankroll impeachment defense if trump opposes gun control haberman/karni” and “trump’s personal lawyer guiliani to make paid appearance at kremlin-backed conference appears on panel with sanctioned putin adviser rotman/heiderman” more below:

Google “senate report: nra was ‘foreign asset’ to russia ahead of 2016 tim mak” and “trump attempt to intimidate witness with violence adam schiff” and “trump blasts white house aids who provided information to whistle blower as ‘spies’ traitors, stokols” and “white house moved records of trump solicitation of ukraine president to seperate computer network barrett, leonog, zapatusky and harris” and “irs whistle blower says routine auditing of president, vice president taxes faced with inappropriate efforts to influence delaney” and note more below:

Google “whistle blower concerns over ukraine included the handling of records of the conservation, savage, schmidt and barnes” and “trump initially pressed ukraine’s new president on investigation as early as april vogel, barnes and haberman” and “memo of call demonstrates clear quid pro quo between aid and a push to investigate biden matt ortega” and “ukraine’s president sought to get on trump’s good side by noting he stayed at his hotel citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington” with more below:

Google “giuliani’s efforts to gin up bogus ukraine investigation into bidens included u.s. anbassador banco, sulbsaesy and rouinsley” and “trump ordered hold on military aid to ukraine days before call to press president to investigate biden son , nacher, nakashuma and leoning” and “trump administration turned its back on new york time reporter facing arrest in egypt sulzeberyn” and “trump repeatedly pressed ukraine to investigate biden’s son cullison, ballhorn and dustin” more Trump below:

Google “trump personal lawyer rudy giuliani admits trump pressured ukraine to launch bogus investigation against biden for political reasons schmidt roaeberg” and whistle blower complaint includes multiple acts by trump at least in part dealing with ukraine barnes/fundas” and “speaker nanct pelosi announces formal impeachment inquiry cnn news” and note below:

Google “will trumps hotels finally bring him down? macleans abel” and “ at long last, donald trump is on the road to impeachment -macleans.ca abel” and “farmers are slamming trump $28 billion farm bailout -more than double obama’s 2009 bailout to auto makers as a band aid/markets insider khan” and “terence cororance: impeachment hearing could come back to bite the democrats corcoran” and “article ll/the national constitution center prokash and schroher” and “trump suggested building a moat with snakes and alligators at the border, spikes to pierce human flesh shooting immigrants in the legs shear/davis”, more below:

Google “pence’s team is trying to distance itself from the ukraine standoff/ huffpost canada blumberg” and “ donald trump calls on china to ivestigate joe biden and his son calvin and miller” and “trump publicly asks china to investigate the bidens cspan” and “trump involved pence in impeachable efforts to pressure ukraine to manufacture dirt on biden jaffee/parker” and “biden fights trump claim of biden corruption” and note more Trump corruption below:

Google “u.s. envoy to ukraine pushed for commitment on biden investigation vogel/schmidt” and “texts between diplomats demonstrate clear guid pro quo on ukraine visser” and “trump pushed china’s xi to investigate biden in june call stashed in code word clearance server. Atward, liptak, brown, sciutto, borger” and “trump removed ambassador to ukraine because she wouldn’t play ball on bogus conspiracies, biden smearing ballhaus, bender, salama” and note below:

Google “cia’s top lawyer made criminal referral to doj, which did not open an investigation dilanian/ainsley and “trump calls with foreign leaders worried aides, leaving some ‘genuinely horrified’ leaning/harris/ dawesy” and “nbc news: gop senator says diplomat told him trump was witholding aide to ensure investigation gregorian” and note below:

Google “ trump allies, donors sought to install friendly management in ukraine state run gas company steer lucrative contracts butler, biesecker and lardner” and “trump plays dangerous game with talk of ‘treason’ shirbman” and “support for trump impeachment higher than nixon, clinton msnbc” and “ivanka tweet thanking turkey’s erdogan for attending instanbul trump tower launch reemerges amid syria controversy brennan”, and note below:

Google “even republicans know that trump can’t do the job of president filipovic” and “ joe biden calls for trump impeachment for first time sullivan” and “aleppo is our guernica- and some are cheering on the luftwaffee ahmad” and “two giuliani associates on ukraine arrested with campaign finance violations viswanatha, ballhaus, and gurman” and “trump urged tillerson to help giuliani client by persuading doj to drop charges wadhams, mohsiu, baker and jacobs” and “trump suggests he abandoned kurds because they ‘didn’t help us with normandy d’amore” and “polls show close divide over impeachment and removal fingerhut” and note below:

Google “new poll shows majority of americans support trump’s impeachment and removal from office msnbc” and “james carville: beating trump is the only thing that matters in 2020 carville” and “ donald trump dreams of presidential infallibility bouie” and “giuliani under investigation for financial dealing with two associates indicted on campaign finance violations perez, prokupecz and warren” and “ at least four national security officials raised alarms about urkraine policy, miller and jaffe” and “at rally trump tries to spin impeachment as attack on his supporters duncombe” and https://youtu.be/llzoltQgLOQ listen to Chomosky on Russia gate and note below:

Google “giuliani under investigation for breaking lobbying laws in ukraine work schmidt, profess, vogel, and rashburn” and “indicted associate of giuliana worked on behalf of pro- russian ukraine oligarch firtash haston, freifeld and ivanova” and “ sondland to testify he does not know if trump was telling the truth ‘no quid pro quo’ davis and hudson” trump defends pulling troops from northern syria, says he is an ‘island of one’ superville” and “ giuliani paid $500,000 to consult on indicted ukranian-american business man’s company feifeld/roston” note below:

Google “eu ambassador coordinated with with acting white house chief of staff mulvaney on ukraine operation viswanatha, ballhous, and and andrews” and “bolton objected ukraine operation told staff to alert lawyers on ‘rouge operation” baker/fandus” and “giulani’s financial dealings under investigation by federal prosecutors collected bank records viswanatha, obrien and ballhous” and “e.u. Ambassador gordon sonderland to testify youanovitch was ‘great’ trump required everything to run through giulani lederman” and “trump continues fox news war, slams chris wallace ukraine coverage baker” and note below:

Google “why evangelical christians are so deeply concerned about trump abandoning the kurds/huffpost canada kuruvilla” and “’versions of fraud’: major inconsistencies in trump tax documents abd loan papers vogell” and “vice president pence obstructs justice by refusing to comply with document request in impeachment inquiry caldwell” and “trump lawyer giuliani obstructs justice, refuses to comply with congressional subponea santucci, phelps and flaherty” and “281 lobbyists work for the trump administration mora” and “ probe uncovers high-level unease over trump, giuilani moves mascaro, jalonick, and kellman” and note below:

Readers should note only two groups of journalists protected Trump, google “gregg jarrett: latest pelosi-schiff impeachment ‘witch hunt’ is venomous affront to constitutional principals jarrett” and “bozell and graham: democrats and media collude to impeach trump and remove him from office bozell and graham” and “could donald trump actually be impeached? the guardian” note below:

Google “from cnn: the guardrails are off the trump presidency collinson” and “rick perry called rudy giuliani on ukraine matter at trumps direction puko and ballhaus” and “mulvaney, acting chief of staff, admits there was a quid pro quo on ukraine aid blake” and “sondland under scrutiny for $1 million in ‘extravagant and unnecessary home renovations paid for by taxpayers birnbaum, harris and hudson” and “trump instructed top officials on halkback after erdogan prressure-report tiny url” and “trump lawyer rudy giuliani under counter intelligence investigation perez, murray and prokupecz” and “bill barr lied to congress about fbi spying/ law & crime kalmbacher” note below:

Google “sondland asked ukraine about burisma, hunter bidens gas firm lederman” and “giuliani met with doj’s head of criminal divisions on behalf of client accused of bribery while subject to his own criminal investigations vogel, schmidt and benner” and “ pro-trump lawyers sought biden dirt from pro- putin ukranian oligarch and mobster baker/reznik” and
“the reason trump dropped his florida resort as the next g7 venue is the opposite to the one he tweeted porter” and “indicted giuliani associate’s instagram includes personal note from trump thanking him for his ‘friendship’ ross” and more below:

Google “facebook discloses disinformation campaign from russia, iran on 2020 election isaac” and “trump compares impeachment inquiry against him to a ‘lynching’ superville”, and “suspicious financial transactions by giuliani associates panas, bruman show hall marks of money laundering fraud sailau, leopold and loop” and “trump distances himself from giuliani in o’reilly interview cnn” and more below:

Google “trump inagural doner admits falsyfying records to hide work as foreign agent illegal campaign contributions bonc/melendez” and “volker told ukrainian president what he had to do weeks ahead of call with trump volz, ballhaus and tau” and “top diplomat: sondland told him urkraine aid held up to extract public announcement of investigations to help trump raju, heab, fox, atwood and borger” and “ trump got his wall after all morris” and “fwd: trump stooges: to hell with history, prince george citizen” and “manafort business partner rick gates wa soffered ‘monetary assistance’ to refuse to cooperate tom winter” and “oops: ivanka trump has been ‘personal friends with christopher steele for years bess levin” more below:

Google “devin nunes doubles down on promise to take cnn and daily beast to court: ‘it should be fun’ /fox news givas” and “from cnn: opinion: bloomberg is the last thing we need after trump obeidallaa” and “from cnn: another potentially awkward holiday for trump and roberts de vogue” and “’ they’re fake’ trump doesn’t want the new york times and washington post in the white house shammas”, note that it is the printed paper copy Trump has banned, not the reporters. Google “america is not the land of the free but one of monopolie’s so predatory they imperil the nation hutton” and https://youtu.be/P3nMdtFLsxg, charlie brown its the great impeachment, and “here’s one thing 600 law professors agree on flipboard bernard” and note below:

A bit of Moe stuff; google “ nelson: freeland appointment sets stage for epic political showdown nelson” and “ leader post: mandryk: standing up for sask. doesn’t always mean following alberta mandryk” and “why do we import foreign oil? Context” and finally readers may enjoy listening to https://www.cbsnews.com/video/in-conversation-with-john- lecarre/ and note that Moe is not the only corrupt horror of a leader in Christendendom. Goggle “ https://www.cnn.com/impeachment Trump and U.S. Reform Party and google “donald trump 2000 presidential campaign wikipedia”, and “trumps rudy problem treene” and Roger Stone, Manhatten madam and Eliot spitzer and note below:

Google “trump suggests administrative hiring hinge on political support david kay johnston” and “nunes staffer landed on nsc staff, despite lack of qualifications and warp u.s. policy in second back channel on ukraine barnes, goldman and fandos” and “trump considering a federal government shutdown to obstruct impeachment inquiry jenn budd” and “trump had advance knowledge of gop effortbreak parliamentary rules, protest impeachment inquiry in scif kevin whitelaw” and “ukrainians were informed of the aid’s freeze in august kramer/vogel” and “kushner company sued by maryland attorney general for hundreds of thousands of violations while renting ‘rat infested properties’ sector”, and note below:

Google “from cnn: betsy devos held in contempt for violating court order lobosco” and “commerce’s wilbur ross under investigation for private e-mail use by national archives berenstein” and “dhs report states russina influence actors continue to target u.s. audiences de-baurmont/ winter” and “top trump aide used position to quash va whistleblower, retaliate against others allen” and “columnist pushing biden conspiracie has same lawyers as ukranian oligarch, giuliani associates bertrand/ samulesohn” and note more below:

Google “new jersey seeks to revoke liquor liscence for trump golf club after over-served man caused fatal wreck barenhuldt” and “trump economic adviser: ‘you don’t have a right to know what happens behind closed doors in the administration’ oliver darcy” and “ivanka trump and jared kushner to hold 10th wedding anniversary party at camp david emily jane fox” and “giuliani butt dials reporter, reveals various questionable dealings in three minute voice mail message schapiro” and “meaning of butt dial” and “the gang who couldn’t shoot straight” and
“diplomats testimony has gop scrambling shribman”, more below:

Google “white house informed of ukraine president’sconcern over giuliani, sonderland in may lederman/deluce” and “gordon sondland: trump’s prressure on ukraine was aquid pro quo ballhaus” and “army lt. Col. On nsc staff was so alarmed by trump’s ukraine call, he contacted a whote house lawyer siegel/pecorin” and “alarmed army lt. col. sought to correct transcript from missing key words barnes, fandos and hakim” and “army lt. Col. Vindman contradicts perry assertion lefebure/bertrano” and “company with ties to trump brother robert, awarded $33 million government contract partlow” and note below:

Google “lt. Col. Vindman: nunes associate ‘misrepresented’ himself as ukraine expert, feed disinformation to trump bertrand” and “white house ignored warning from pentagon on withholding aid to ukraine brannen” and “white house lawyer told lt. Col. Vindman to keep quiet about what he heard on call hamburger, leoning and nakishunce” and “giuliani approached rival of ukranian president stein, banco” and “trump switches residence from new york to florida for tax savings, avoid
n.y. authorities from prying zeballus-roig” and “’do us a favour’: how a phone call sparked the trump impeachment inquiry woodward, long,tucker and berry” and note below:

Google “https://youtu.be/O–NuA-ISdy” how Fox News Chris Wallace destroyed Kelleyanne Conway, now google “fwd: a top trump official wrote for a cult extremist magazine baumann” and “released mueller documents reveal kushner and ivanka vacationed with a russian oligraph griffith” and “giuliani associate parnus was bankrolled by russian mobster ward and cohen” and “lawyer for indicted giuliani associate’s asked barr to drop case against russian mob client in face – to- face meeting ward and cohen” and “where the kurdish road ends mackinnon” r review how Trump betrayed the Kurds and note below:

Google https://youtu./be//4ugn4JaAO review “Trump defenders backed in corner” and google “former u.s. envoy to ukraine says she was warned she’d been targeted by trump allies a. p.” and “american farmer bankruptcies jump 24% amid trump trade war, weather challenges/ huffpost canada popenfuss” and “donald trump, anointed of god – seriously?: neil macdonald”, and “from cnn: 3 takeaways from tuesday’s election in kentucky, virginia and mississippi bradner” and “bbc news: democrats claim victory in key virginia and kentucky elections bbc news” and note below:

Google “sondland amends testimony and now claims there * was * a quid pro quo on ukraine aid schmidt” and “pence funneled foreign aid to preferred christian groups tarbati” and “trump suggests republicans should manufacture impeachment transcript favorable to him donald trump twitter” and “fruman, parnes turned to connected trump ally for pr help loop/sallah” and “prosecutor in stone trial demonstrates trump lied to mueller on wikileaks friedman/corn” and “pam bondi, new member of trump legal team, had $115,000 a month contract with qatar on human trafficking miller/massoglia” and “trump legal team adds pam bondi, who accepted $25,000 from trump foundation to stop investigation of trump university bender” and more below:

Google “u.s. diplomat bill taylor testified that it was his ‘ clear understanding ‘ that aid to ukraine hinged on trump demands herb/cohen” and “ roger stone’s defense in perjury trial is that he committed perjury emptywheel/prokurecz” and “trump threatens whistleblower o’donell” and “donald trump jr. tweets whistle blower’s name despite death threats tapper” and “demonstrating foreknowledge trump told gates ‘more leaks were coming leopold, loop, tillman, cormier and hall” and “released 302’s from mueller provide compelling case prince lied to congress cheney” and “manafort advised trump campaign up until the election and told them to conceal it leopold, loop, tillman, cormier, and hall” with more below:

Google “trump wanted ukraine president to say three words: ‘ investigations, biden and clinton, tucker mascard and jalonick” and “trump administration decision to rescind temporary protected status for 2020 political status bernal” and “interior proposing to award one of its first contracts for federal water in perpetuity to secretary’s employer barnes knickmeyer” and “latest tax returns show trump was in charge of foundation during his first year as president massoglia” and “trump, producer mark burnett discuss post-presidency plans to turn gop into reality tv show suebsaeng” and more below:

Google “ the 4 possible crimes in the trump-ukraine whistle blower scandal explained millhiser” and “giuliani associates parnas, fruman pressured previous ukraine president on investigations – for – state visit quid pro quo ballhaus, cullison and forrest” and “ lt. Col vindman: sondland said ukraine bribery scheme coordinated through mulvaney shuman/sneed” and “epa chief of staff under investigation for document distruction lippman” and “https://youtu.be/FLyJYCplyUK trump booed in Madison Square Garden” and “https://youtu.be/egVIN-kBjZg listen to Steve Bannon on Trump, and google “numbers show that the u.s. is closer to a recession than think rosenberg” with more below:

Google “andrew mccarthy: this is the impeachment question every trump supporter should be prepared to answer mccarthy” and “from cnn: the truly frightening thing about nikki haley’s big revelation cillizza” and “commentary on the public impeachment hearing cnn opinion cnn” and “the question is not whether trump did it-its whether he’ll get away with it fuchs” and “ trump trying to sell dc hotel” review search results, note that Trump is heading for the high hills, and note more below:

Google “indicted giuliani associate parnes said he discussed ukraine with trump washington post” and “roger stone found guilty in effort to protect trump phillips” and “trump organization ordered to pay $290,000 after losing battle to scottish wind farm washington post” and “rnc to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars at trump dorval for winter meetings washington post” and “trump tweet threatening yovanovitch to be includes in articles of impeachment for obstruction of justice julie boyle sirkin” and “state department I.g.: foreign policy official removed, smeared by trump officials over iranian heritage allyn” with more below:

Google“ trump influences doj report aimed at framing russian influence investigation as driven by politicians acosta/collins” and “ guilani under investigation for campaign finance, fara violations strohm/ fabrian” and “trump considered firing the inspector general for the intelligence community for doing their job and passing along whistle blower complaint habrman/schmidt” and “ambassador’s phone call to trump was a massive breach of security nakishma” and “trump longtime lawyer kasowitz adds ukrainian oligarchas client in money laundering case farrell”, more below:

Google “ trump d.c. Hotel sales pitch boasts of millions from foreign government scannell/borger” and “kellyanne conway confronts cnn anchor after he says ‘ I know there are issues with your marriage ‘ buncombe” and https://youtu.be/x9fL9tcEUIM watch Kellanne melt down, then google “rick perry successfully pushed a huge ukrainian gas deal for financial backers a.p.” and “ state department filed ukranian money before trump says he did because he could not legally block it wadhams/ moshin” and “ukranian president felt pressure from trump on political investigation of bidens long before july call bueler/biesecker” more below:

Google “ pay for play scheme between the rnc and trump nominee for ambassador to the bahamas; asked to give $500,000 while nominee hung in air cbs” and “sondland discussed sensitive matters on personal cell phone at restaurant with waiters walking around sonme/dawsey” and “pence national security aide provided copy of urkraine call in briefing book said it ‘inappropraire’ desiderio/zanona” and “white house made up details of trump’s zelansky call markay” and “ in private meeting trump told parnas and fruman they were on a ‘secret mission’ to get the bidens ward” and https://youtu.be/5-bOtoSDEvs review discussion of Trump’s IQ with more Trump below:

Google “trump issues unprecedented pardon for war criminals lamothe” and “ state official overheard sondland call with trump: ukraine president will do ‘anything’ trump asked arciga” and “trump suggested firing impeachment witnesses cnn” and “mulvaney’s former chief of staff is a key lobbyist for the nation’s largest payday lender washington post” and “nikki haley used an insecure email system to send ‘confidential’ information while serving as u.n. ambassador dickey” and
“ trump heralth official paid consultants $3 million to boost profile washingon post” and note more below:

Google “lev parnas travelled with giuliani to madrid to meet urkranian presidential aide swan/suebsaeng and “secret service spent $250,000 at trump properties in first five months of term washington post” and “trump organization cfo allen weisslberg under investigation by manhatten d.a. Elkund” and “ sondland implicates vice president pence. Secretary of state pompeo, energy secretary perry, white house chief of staff mulvaney, and others in urkranian affair washington post” and “indicted giuliani assicate lev parnas aided devin nune’s investigations swan”, and poll: majority ‘concerned that trump opponents will resort to violence’ /the duty wire camp” with more below:

Google “trump senior aides are further restricting access to his calls marquardt, cohen and brown” and “white house redacts records judge ordered to be released center for public integrity” and “john durhamm has a stellar reputation for investigating corruption, some fear his work for barr could tarnish it.- the washington post zapatosky and barrett” and “ ‘christianity today’ anti trump editorial is a sign of things to come parini” and “ukraine aid blocked soon after trump’s call with zilensky, email shows conway” and “christianity today editor revealsthe point trump ‘crossed the line’ for him/huffpost canada harvey” and “us vs-them: trump aiming to use impeachment to rev up base/huffpost colvin and miller” and “trump’s mar-a-logo winter vacations pushes taxpayer golf tab above $118 million huffpost canada date” and note more below:

Google “100 gold star families sue u.s. defense contraciors for allegedly paying off taliban pappenfus” and “david frum in conversation with paul wells: macleans live -macleans.ca.” and “https://youtu.be/A-92dwLvFNY, Bill Maher and Trump” and “the two words that could tip the debate on iran – and help decide the next election brownstein” and “the nightmare stage of trump’s rule is here goldberg” and “bbc news: which countries love trump the most and least? Pew research”, and “ eric prince, trump ally and brother of secretary davos may have broken venezula sanctions goodman” and “ white house withheld 20 emails from trump aides on ukranian aide savage/lipton” and note below:

Google “lobbyist with close ties to trump raided by fbi on fraud probe washington post” and “trump threatens to commit war crimes by targeting iranian culture sites in potential military strike twitter” and “trump alluded to strike against irans sulemnimani to mar- a-largo members days in advance ackerman, suebsang, banco and swan” and “trump administration seeks to conceal secret service spending on presidential travel until after the election washington post “ and “trump inaguation donor pleads guilty to obstruction of justice into sources of contributors washington post” and note below:

Google “from cnn: challenge to minnesota’s trump-only republican primary ballot denied mena” and “trump condemned for re tweeting fake islamophobic image featuring polosi pengella” and “ barr and pompeo shift justification for iran strike from ‘imminent’ threat to deterrence – cnn politics cohen” and “trump loyalists had ambassador yavanovitch under surveillance in ukraine blair and alrmari” and ukraine prosecutor offered dirt on biden in exchange for removal of u.s ambassador washington post”, more below:

Google “gao concludes white house budget office violated law on frozen ukraine aid kyle cheney” and “parnas and giuliani quid pro quo with pro-putin oligraph and mobster: discredit mueller and you’l get your case dismissed josh marshall” and “ parnas worked with nunes through a staffer and they knew about ‘everything’ mieka eoyany” and “parnas: pence role essential in ukraine shakedown ‘ couldnt have not known’ phillip govreviten” and more below:

Google “parnas: pence did not attend zelensky’s inagruation because they hadn’t announced biden investigations yet andrew desidero” and “ parnas: attorney general was ‘on the team’ in plot pressure ukraine to investigate bidens gabriel sherman” and “joe biden releases new anti- donald trump ad: why are you so obsessed with me? Mason” and “the minister of hate date” and “’wretched hive of scum and villainy’ trump hotel trend after bonkers interview mazza” and “barr dropped in on giuliani meeting at justice department perez and shortell” and “https://youtu.be/OZ86spCIcO Bill Maher and note below:

Google “doj defies court order to produce memo’s, note from kushner’s muieller interview lambe” and “trump’s boast about republican party strength gets a brutal fact check mazza” and “here are the facts behind 5 bold economic claims from trump’s speech at davos: trump made some reyebrows-r.. zeballos and roig” and “trump boasts about withholding evidence from impeachment inquiry tucker” and “lead defense attorney for trump ‘brazen lack of candor’ instigates call for disbarment kalmbacher” and note below:

Google “trumps boast about republican party strength gets a brutal fact check mozza” and “trump captured discussing ambassador yovanovitch on recording ‘take her out foulders” and “trump sold nuclear technology to the saudi’s after kashoggi murder without informing congress shabaleh” and “trump pushes out postmaster general for not doubling rates on amazon package delivery parker/dawsey” and “trump plays dangerous game with talk of treason shribman” and note below:

Google“ the perilous fight shribman” and “ national enquirer shredded documents related to donald trump after reporters started calling about payoff for mistresses lippman” and “trade associations, foreign governments book trump hotel rooms that never get used kumar” and “u s stocks sink, bonds rise as economic growth fears mount jensen/hajaric” and “escalating u.s. – china trade war sends stock markets tumbling lauder and young lee” and “fed chair vows to ‘act as appropriate’ schneir, sophir and hunnicutt” and note below:

Google “the new spheres of influence: as the american era ends what will take its place? mackinnon” and “gold rally just got what traders said it needed: a new catalyst vasguez and yueli” and “oil change globe and mail mccarthy” and “a toxic tale cnn special report” and “rich canadians are getting out of paying taxes with ‘estate freezes’- and the cra endorses it lanthier” and “diane francis: the global economy is roiling and no matter who wins the white house things will only get worse francis” and “one third of economists in u.s. business association’s predict a u.s. recession by end of 2021 by staff a.p.” and “trump is convinced there is a conspiracy, to distrust economic data and exaggerate the prospect of a recession porter” and “rick wilson daily beast op-ed ‘madman president’ wilson” more economic horror below:

Google “on donald trump’s watch, the japan-south korea spat turns ugly yakabuski” and “a donald trump enabler bids adieu to canada mckenna” and “can industrialist’s be environmentalists? yes. Here’s how sean drygas” and “trump is building a family ‘dynasty’ campaign manger says blood” and “trump gives a rambling mess of a speech at the gop’s baltimore retreat—and he’s a hit fuller” and “from cnn: can donald trump change the electoral map again? cillizza” and “the forgotten sean speer” and “living on the edge katsarov” note more Trump below:

Google “from cnn: giuliani denies asking ukraine to investigate biden before admitting it leblanc” and “ trump walk a crooked mile dowd” and “https://youtu.be/EgoThiHCR-1” mcconnelly’s wife undermines entire gop” and “suicide rates soaring in america especially in rural areas mistic crane” and “trump’s tariffs are a ‘wonderful gift’ to the chinese: china beige book ceo fujita” and “u.s., china increase tariffs as trade war escalates rugaber” and “trump’s 15% tariffs on $112b in chinese goods take effect c.p.” and “the wall of worry shufelt” and “from cnn: washington post: state dept. steps up email probe of hilary clinton aides kate sullivan” and note below:

Google “http://podcast.Cspan.org/podcast/week20190927.mp3” for Trump impeachment; I urge all readers to listen to the audio by Elaine Kamarck, of the Brookings Institute, author of google “why presidents fail” and google “trump impeachment inquiry spark’s ‘bedlam’ at fox news/foxnews/the guardian belmore” and “should the house impeach trump just over ukraine? or for more? david priess” and “bribery in the open: russian asset nra willing to bankroll impeachment defense if trump opposes gun control haberman and karni” and “mary anne marsh: impeachment inquiry so far- trump’s days are numbered and never underestimate pelosi marsh” and “trump suggests u.s. house intelligence chair should be arrested for ‘treason’ reuters” and note below:

Google https://www.youtube.com/watch?Zu=60D8LIgIIwg how trumps trade war went from method to madness krugman” and “ trump ‘doubled down’ on violating his oath, legal expert tells impeachment hearing a.p.” and “ call logs show coordination between white house, giuliani, and parnos loop” and “phone records show nunes, giuliani, parnos exchanged calls markay” and “trump nominee for top human rights position has links to past 9-11 bush torture program debanis” and “trump to cut contributions to nato delivering gift to putin’s aim to weaken organization browne” and note more below:

Google “russian firm tried to hack ohio voting system a.p.” and “three women accuse gorden sondland of sexual misconduct, experienced retaliation for speaking up silverman, clarke and mccann” and “trump’s personal lawyer giuliani was in talks to represent top ukranian prosecutor while pushing for biden investigation washington post” and “ trump reported higher figures to lenders, lower figuresto tax authorities vogell” and “ trump’stop border officials broke fbi rules to fund happy hour’s korpan” and “ trump knew of whistleblowers complaint when he released ukraine aid schmidt, barnes and haberman” more below:

Google “ doj refuses to identify congressional candidate who sought and received hacked material on opponent 60 minutes” and “federal judge ruled that former white house counsel don mcgahn must comply with congressional subponea hsu marimow” and “wealthy venezuelan hosted giuliani and he lobbied doj on his behalf waqshington post” and “ house oversight sue attorney general barr and commerce secretary ross on subponea megan mineiro” and “indicted giuliani assocate parnas and fruman boasted of u.s. government access with ukranian gas executives devine and griffin” and “ national enquirer publishes david pecker talking to ny.y. Prosecutors about hush payments scannell and morales” and note below:

Google “parnas: nune aides hid their direct talks with ukranians from schiff wilkie” and “email exchanges show trump white house struggling to justify the freeze on ukraine aid washington post” and “house intelligence committee passes audio, video, and photos from parnas fauldrn sontucai and pecorin” and “indicted giuliani associate parnas told ukraine newspaper he hoped to influence barr’s invesigation fins” and “former u.s. attorney working on behalf of ukraine interests pusheddirt on biden in 2018 kavensky” , with more below:

Google “nunes flew to europe at same time as parnas and met with ousted urkrainian prosecutor hunting for dirt on biden papenfuss” and “pompeo obstructed investigation into ukraine affair, mislead congress wong and vogel” and “ documents show contact between secretary of state pompeo and rudy giuliani allasan” and “devin nunes directly pushed for biden investigations with ukraine collins” and “karen mcdougal sues fox news for spreading rumor that she extorted trump/huffpost canada jones” and more below:

Google “giuliani fishes for political dirt from former ukranian mp suspected of involvement in journalists murder blake” and “ giuliani continues to travel internationally in search of dirt for trump to use in 2020 vogel/novak” and “trump campaign aide registered as foreign agent for former zelensky rival in ukraine on $1 contract anna massoglia” note more Trump below:

Google “ bolton book: national security adviser told barr he was concerned trump did favors for dictators in turkey china haberman and schmidt” and “bolton book: trump told me he wanted to continue to freeze ukraine aide until they helped with investigation haberman and schmidt” and “bolton book: mulvaney was present for at least on phone call where trump discussed yovanovitch with giuliani haberman and schmidt” and “bolton book: raised concern with giuliani’s shadow foreign policy with barr which he lied about haberman and schmidt” and “what happens next if the senate acquits trump? Collinson” with a bit more Moe below: 

Google “leader post: mandryk: scheer may be loved here but he still needs to be held to account mandryk” and “conservative promise to launch inquiry into snc-lavalin, give rcmp access to cabinet confidence tunney “ and “as hard brexit looms, risk of recession hangs over u.k. reguly” and “boris johnson’s tall tales have made a wreck of britain’s influence saunders” and “german reunification was ‘unsuccessful’ – poll ‘we’re second class citizen’s/world/news express.com uk osborne”, and “http://podcast.C-span.org/podcast/week2019092.mp3” and note below:

Google “politicians put squeeze on central bankers latitude reguly” and “the risks when politicians play on the real estate market macfarland” and “trump escalates trade war with threats to delist chinese companies berman” and “trade conflicts are hitting the global economy with an impact reminiscent of the 1930s- financial post obrien/jamrisco” and “trump imposes tariffs on eu”, review all search results note below:
Google “what’s the difference between the conservatives and liberal platforms? the colour: urback” and “a decade of relative labor peace may be over mandryk” and note below:

Google “ ‘die in’ staged at legislature as sask. joins global climate strike cbc news” and “leader post: mandryk: gov’t avoiding issue of classroom size wreaks of politics mandryk” and “colliers international to take over management, operation of gth ctv news”, note Moe is smart enough to head to the High Hills on GTH. As a note of interest google “doug ford is corrupt” review all search results and note that all watchers deem Ford corrupt , now google “brandt acquired multiple john deere dealerships in eastern canada/ctv news ellis” despite the Ontario Ford corruption Brandt has decided even the Ford Administration is less corrupt than our Moe, note below”

Google “calgary mla under investigation for fraud and bribery appointed to al beta heritage savings trust fund committee leavitte” and “canada now dominates world bank corruption list, thanks to snc-lavalin ligaya”and “how your insecurity is bought and sold manson” and “canadian economy stalls in july amid oil and gas slowdown hagan” and “leader post: mandryk: oil sector advocates frustrated by a campaign where no one listens mandryk”, and “ mandryk: gov’t not shy about playing overpaid public sector worker card mandryk” and note below:

Google “leader post: millions of acres of canola freeze on canada’s praries compounding ‘harvest from hell’ reuters” and “fideldebrandt: hold equalization referendum now or never- the western standard fideldebrandt” and “ambrose disagrees with scheer’s assertion that trudeau caved to trump on nafta bryan” and “heavy lifting van praet/ parkinson/ curry” and “toronto sun: goldstein: amateur hour federal conservatives implodes goldstein” and “warren: here’s why andrew sheer has got to go warren” and “next recession: crash warning signs include google &#39:mother of all bubbles’ oyedele” and “the money farmers: how oligarch’s and populists milk the e.u. for millions- the new york times gebrekidan, apuzzo and novak”, and note below:

Google “canada economy slows to 1.3 % in 3rd quarter: statistics canada staff c.p.” and “lilley: ‘two faced’ trudeau’s screw up with trump could cost us lilley” and “leader post: conditional deal signed to buy capital pointe site for $2.3M white crummey” and “premier’s office has knowledge of land deals that made two sask party supporters millions regina leader post fraser” and “brightenview asks sask. government to reverse ban on megamall immigration applicants leo” and “sask. party fund raising mess should lead to limits on donations mandryk” and “leader post: mandryk: scheers resignation a call for broader minded leaders in all parties mandryk” and “leader post: mandryk: moe, meili both got lost during fall journey mandryk” and note below:

Google “physicist just achieved the first- ever quantum teleportation between computer chips nield”, this is very odd, review post DON’T CRY FOR ME, MOE MOANS II, and ETHICS IS SURVIVAL and note that experts have long believed that the AI’s have long been talking to each other google “ more canadians are filing for insolvency than we’ve seen since the financial crises . whats going on?/ the star rubin” and “mandryk: moe should resolve to provide more pleasant surprises in 2020 mandryk” and below:

Review ODIOUS HUBRIS and EACH ONE OF US WEAVES THE ROPE THAT HANGS US HIGH,note my (Lee)s reference to novelest John le carre , now google “john lecarre wins$100,000 prize for ‘contribution to democracy’/ john le carre/the guardian flood and cain” and “how america countered ‘fake news’ in the 1940’s hitler era detzer” and “florida gop candidate calls for llhan omar, other dems to be hanged: report/fuffpost canada miller” and “we would rather lose our jobs to robots than humans, a study shows/huffpost life torres” and note below:

computer repair regina

Google “ leader post: mandryk: sask. election may mark a turn to the nasty mandryk” and “morris industries enter creditor protection, plan downsizing glacier farm media” and “’not one single offer’ regina condo owners struggling to sell guignard” and “leader post: mandryk: perhaps the time has come to revisit nuclear options mandryk”. Remember, I (Lee) advised use of Nuclear some time ago, and the collapse of Morris, post LEE WEB FRAUD?, why did Gary Lane claim I am insane?, google “ lane claimed lee was insane” and “leader post: yorkton officials hope morris industries can continue operation macpherson”

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